Suited & Booted
Social graphics
Marketing collateral
Suited and Booted are a London charity helping vulnerable, unemployed and low-income men into employment by providing suitable interview clothing donated by companies and professionals as well as interview advice and mentoring.
Lisa is working with the charity pro bono to develop an emotive brand to use across all printed and digital assets in order to help raise awareness of their work and that can eventually be expanded into other UK cities.

the challenge
The charity has been operating since 2012 and relies almost entirely on volunteers to carry out all aspects of their activities.
Before Lisa started to work with them, there was no-one looking after the brand or marketing as there was simply neither the funds nor the marcomms expertise available.
Lisa set about creating a brand that reflected their presence in London and that portrays the confidence that they strive to instil in their clients.

the solution
Lisa has been working with Suited & Booted throughout 2023 in which time she has created a new and striking brand with bold graphics to match a bold message.
As well as a set of brand guidelines, she has created a new, clearer website, posters and other marketing collateral to help convey their messages and their social channels are a work in progress.